Dual-Diploma Program
The Niagara Catholic District School Board believes in broadening the global learning opportunities and perspectives for learners living and studying in Canada and abroad. Currently, Niagara Catholic shares partnerships with schools in China, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico and is continuously seeking to expand this educational experience and opportunity. The Dual-Diploma program is designed and implemented by Niagara Catholic and an international partner school where we share a common goal in pursuing quality programs and cultural opportunities for students leading to:
Outstanding academic achievement
Enhanced cultural sensitivity
Greater second language development
Two high school diplomas upon graduating from high school
Niagara Catholic and the participating international school work together and cooperate through each other’s resources to implement the Dual-Diploma Program. Ultimately, students will work towards earning two high school diplomas upon completion of their secondary education: one diploma from their native country and the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
When enrolled in the Dual-Diploma program, students will take Ontario courses online or delivered by an Ontario teacher during their grades 10 and 11 while in their native country (home school). Once course requirements for grade 11 are earned, students will travel to Niagara to complete their final year (Grade 12) of secondary school study at one of our eight high schools in the Niagara Catholic District School Board. This phase could be completed in one semester or a full year. Students will be fully immersed in the courses delivered as well as the prerequisites to successfully obtain an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
Ontario Secondary School Requirements
The OSSD will be awarded by the Niagara Catholic District School Board to participating students who successfully complete a minimum of 30 Ontario credits (some granted through PLAR), 40 hours of unpaid community involvement activities (compulsory volunteer hours), and pass the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test. In addition, students must enroll and earn a minimum of six Grade 12 credits (to a maximum of 12 credits) within one of our eight Niagara Catholic high schools.